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Young Black Men's Design Challenge

The Young Black Leaders invite Black men 18-30 to discuss justice, education, harm & health, and propose new concepts and ideas for Hackney.

08 October 2020

Shoreditch Trust is supporting an online an in person event for Young Black Men 18-30, run by the Young Black Leaders on Wednesday 14 October in Hackney.

There is consistent evidence that Young Black Men have poorer experiences across the statutory and voluntary sectors – specifically in education, health and wellbeing, experiences of harm and youth justice. 

This 'Unconference' is part of the Hackney campaign ‘Improving Outcomes for Young Black Men’, and is a response to this disproportionality. It also forms part of a wider strategy to develop a community 'Civic Hub', supported by Shoreditch Trust and TSIP.

The event will include chance for Young Black Men to identify what matters most when considering health and wellbeing and where services and activities can be improved; chance to develop an idea for a service to take forward into a Design Challenge; and chance to consider what actions are needed to challenge the current status quo and drive for a more inclusive, representative community.

Covid-19 safety measures will be in place for the event.

This event is for and by Young Black Men 18-30, Young Black Women are also welcome.